Mar 13 2025

I tried to write this post yesterday, but I didn’t like my approach there. Last night, I had a conversation with one of my best friends about it, and he encouraged me to write this, but in a different way. I think this way is better, so thanks, dude.

The other day, Microsoft announced that they are re-writing the TypeScript compiler in Go. A lot of people had a lot of feelings about this. I did too, but in a different way than many other people.

The biggest questions people had were “Why not C#?” and “Why not Rust?”. To be clear, I do think that asking why someone chooses a programming language can be valuable; as professionals, we need to make these sorts of decisions on a regular basis, and seeing how others make those decisions can be useful, to get an idea of how other people think about these things.

But it can also… I dunno. Sometimes, I think people have little imagination when it comes to choosing a particular technology stack.

It is true that sometimes, there are hard requirements that means that choosing a particular technology is inappropriate. But I’ve found that often, these sorts of requirements are often more contextually requirements than ones that would be the case in the abstract. For example, you can write an OS in Lisp if you want. But in practice, you’re probably not working with this hardware, or willing to port the environment to bare metal.

But it’s also the case that you often don’t know what others’ contextual situation actually is. I would have never guessed the main reason that Microsoft chose Go for, which is roughly “we are porting the existing codebase, rather than re-writing it, and our existing code looks kinda like Go, making it easy to port.” That’s a very good reason! I hadn’t really thought about the differences between porting and re-writing in this light before, and it makes perfect sense to me.

At the same time,

people are going way overboard here.

There’s some sort of balance here to be struck. But at the same time, I hate “choose the right tool for the job” as a suggestion. Other than art projects, has anyone ever deliberately chosen the wrong tool? Often, something that seems like the wrong tool is chosen simply because the contextual requirements weren’t obvious to you, the interlocutor.

I think there’s two other reasons why this situation is making me feel complicated things. The first is RIIR, and the second is a situation from a long time ago that changed my life.

Many of you have probably heard of the “re-write it in Rust” meme. The idea is that there’s this plague of programmers who are always suggesting that every single thing needs to be re-written in Rust. While I am sure this happens from time to time, I have yet to see real evidence that it is actually widespread. I almost even wrote a blog post about this, trying to actually quantify the effect here. But on some level, perception is reality, and if people believe it’s true, it’s real on some level, even if that’s not actually the case. Regardless of the truth of the number of people who suggest this, on every thread about Rust, people end up complaining about this effect, and so it has an effect on the overall discourse regardless. And while I don’t believe that this effect is real overall, it absolutely has happened in this specific situation. A bunch of people have been very aggressively suggesting that this should have been in Rust, and not Go, and I get where they’re coming from, but also: really? Go is an absolutely fine choice here. It’s fine. Why do you all have to reinforce a stereotype? It’s frustrating.

The second one is something that’s been on my mind for over a decade, but I’ve only started talking about it in places other than conversations with close friends. Long-time readers may remember that one time where I was an asshole. I mean, I’ve been an asshole more than once in my life, but this one was probably the time that affected me the most. The overall shape of the situation is this:

  1. Someone wrote grep, but in Node.
  2. I made fun of it on the internet, because why would someone write a CLI tool in Node?
  3. The author found out that I did and felt bad about it.

Looking back at my apology, I don’t think it’s necessarily the best one. It was better than the first draft or two of what I wrote, but I’ve gotten better at apologizing since then. Regardless, this incident changed the trajectory of my life, and if you happen to read this, Heather, I am truly, unequivocally, sorry.

There was a couple of things that happened here. The first is just simply, in 2013, I did not understand that the things I said had meaning. I hate talking about this because it makes me seem more important than I am, but it’s also important to acknowledge. I saw myself at the time as just Steve, some random guy. If I say something on the internet, it’s like I’m talking to a friend in real life, my words are just random words and I’m human and whatever. It is what it is.

But at that time in my life, that wasn’t actually the case. I was on the Rails team, I was speaking at conferences, and people were reading my blog and tweets. I was an “influencer,” for better or worse. But I hadn’t really internalized that change in my life yet. And so I didn’t really understand that if I criticized something, it was something thousands of people would see. To me, I’m just Steve. This situation happened before we talked about “cancel culture” and all of that kind of stuff, but when the mob came for me, I realized: they were right, actually. I was being an asshole, and I should not have been. And I resolved myself to not being an asshole like that ever again.

And to do that, I had to think long and hard about why I was like that. I love programming languages! I love people writing programs that they find interesting! I don’t think that it’s stupid to write a tool in a language that I wouldn’t expect it to be written in! So why did I feel the reason to make fun of this in that situation?

The answer? A pretty classic situation: the people I was hanging out with were affecting me, and in ways that, when I examined it, I didn’t like very much.

You see, in the Rails world at the time, there was a huge contempt culture at the time, especially around JavaScript and Node. And, when you’re around people who talk shit all the time, you find yourself talking shit too. And once I realized that, well, I wanted to stop it. But there was a big problem: my entire professional, and most of my social, life was built around Ruby and Rails. So if I wanted to escape that culture… what should I do?

If you clicked on the link to my apology above, you probably didn’t make note of the date: Jan 23 2013. Something had just happened to me, in December of 2012: I had decided to check out this little programming language I had heard of called Rust.

One of the things that struck me about the “Rust community” at the time, which was like forty people in an IRC room, was how nice they were. When I had trouble getting Hello World to compile, and I typed /join #rust, I fully expected an RTFM and flames. But instead, I was welcomed with open arms. People were chill. And it was really nice.

And so, a month and a day later, I had this realization about the direction my life was heading, and how I wasn’t really happy about it. And I thought about how much I enjoyed the Rust stuff so far… and combined with a few other factors, maybe of which I’ll write about someday, this is when I decided that I wanted to make Rust a thing, and dedicated myself to achieving that.

And part of that was being conscious about the culture, and how it developed, and the ways that that would evolve over time. I didn’t want Rust to end up the way that Rails had ended up. And that meant a few things, but first of all, truly internalizing that I had to change. And understanding that I had to be intentional with what I did and said. And what that led to, among other things, was a “we talk about Rust on its own merits, not by trash talking other languages” culture. (That’s also partially because of Nietzsche, but I’m already pretty far afield of the topic for this post, maybe someday.)

Anyway, the Eternal September comes for us all. The “Rust Community,” if it ever were a coherent concept, doesn’t really make sense any more. And it is by no means perfect. I have a lot of criticism about how things turned out. But I do think that it’s not a coincidence that “Rust makes you trans,” for example, is a meme. I am deeply proud of what we all built.

So yeah, anyway: people choose programming languages for projects based on a variety of reasons. And sure, there may be better or worse choices. But you probably have a different context than someone else, and so when someone makes a choice you don’t agree with, there’s no reason to be a jerk about it.

Here’s my post about this post on BlueSky: